
Black Desert caught me by surprise.

I didn't follow the development. I didn't pay attention to the launches in Korea, Japan or Russia. I knew some people were excited about it, but I never dug too deep into why. But I love to try new MMOs, so I signed up for beta testing on a whim.

When I stepped into Closed Beta 2, I quickly realized this was something interesting. The slick combat. The crafting and trading and worker systems. Knowledge and conversations. A world that legitimately looks like a real place, with realistic geography and weather and flora and fauna.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not one of those unapologetic fanboys. The game clearly has some issues too (cough-grind-cough). But I'm excited to see a game where developers are trying new and sometimes wild things, and throwing away some of the stagnant concepts that have burdened MMOs for years.

I've only been following the game for a short time, so I'm not exactly an expert. But I'll be heading out into the wilderness and figuring it out. As I learn from my adventures, I'll be sharing my discoveries and thoughts here. Hopefully you'll find them interesting and informative.

If you're planning to get into the game and you haven't pre-ordered yet, today is the last opportunity. If you feel like dropping some extra cash, you can get the virtual bells and whistles, and you'll be able to log in as early as Feb. 28. If you don't feel like spending quite so much, you'll be logging in with me, in the first days of March. Either way, I'll see you in-game!

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